Amalia's Homework Blog

HI. . .My Name's Amalia BOutrup. . . BYE

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Water Cycle Pics

1.Evaporation is when there is water on the groun and the heat warm enough so the water is boilingish and then it rises up into the air

2. Precipitation is when the water that has evaporated meet cold and warm air and they mix to create clouds

2. Infiltration is when the water soaks into the ground.

4. Precipitationis when all the water is gathered together in a cloud and the cloud can't hold anymore water so it releases all the water.



Blogger Michael said...

Nice work on this Amalia. The captions were very clear explanations of the concept pictured in the graphics.

I liked the precipitation one. Very artsy.

November 3, 2009 at 8:46 PM  

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