Amalia's Homework Blog

HI. . .My Name's Amalia BOutrup. . . BYE

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Was on Thursday!

Christmas was on Thursday! In Denmark and Scandanavia it is but in America and almost everywhere else it's today. Well, when I woke up I totally forgot it was Christmas. But when I went to my advent chocolate calender it said the 24th which means Christmas! I woke up really early at seven. I'm not allowed to wake my brother and my grandparents were up late the day before so I went into the living room to watch TV. When my grandparents woke up and saw that I was awake, they were so surprised because I'm usually the last one to wake up. We said Merry Christmas to each other and had breakfast.

I was sitting on my bean bag reading Generation Dead By: Daniel Waters when I heard the doorbell ring. My grandparents just came back from church and I didn't have to go because I went yesterday. I opened up the door and saw Irene with Anton and Bertil. Anton is a shitzu dog and Bertil is a Tibetan Terrier dog. My three dogs are also Tibetan Terries. Bertil is my oldest dog Thimphu's son and brother to Tashi and Thupthen. They started playing right away but Anton stayed close to Irene. Irene came in and gave me a hug and then waited in the living room. Then about 10 minutes later Lise rang the doorbell. I went out and greeted her and then we all sat down and ate dinner. After dinner we went to the Christmas tree and sang a couple of songs. Then my brother and I got to give out the presents. I got a lot of presents but the best one was probably the camera and the printer. After that we all just lounged around and ate candy.

Me opening a present.

My brother being `Elegant´

The Christmas Tree.



Blogger Michael said...

How nice it must be to have an elegant brother.


December 28, 2009 at 10:34 PM  
Blogger Saige Kelsey said...

i looved Christmas! Trust me your brother is not elegant, ive met him and i know hes not. Denmark looks so pretty! i want to go to Europe.. well Denmark too.
saigee bear

January 11, 2010 at 2:05 PM  

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