Amalia's Homework Blog

HI. . .My Name's Amalia BOutrup. . . BYE

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Typhoon Morokat
Typhoon Morokat traveled through Taiwan and across to China. It destroyed buildings (like the hotel on the left), houses and not only did it kill many people it destroyed and ruined their life's work. The picture on the left is a picture of Chin Suai Hotel. The 2 meter high water is moving at such rapid currents that it starts chipping away at the earth and foundation of the hotel. This would have been disasterous if the people staying at the hotel hadn't hurried out of there, as there were around 600 people staying there while the typhoon struck all of Taiwan. Even though this typhoon was disasterous, we learn from it. It showed how the enviorment can affect people. If Taiwan wasn't so rocky and mountainess the typhoon wouldn't have been so bad because the water wouldn't be moving that fast. If the water wasn't moving that fast it wouldn't have destroyed as many buildings and/or houses leading to the fact that not as many people would have died!

By: Amalia Boutrup



Blogger Michael said...

Nice work on this Morokat piece, Amalia. You've described exactly how this hotel was brought down, and I'm sure many other buildings as well. We will never have that kind of problem in Jakarta, because our geography is different. We can have other problems, but not like the raging river that brought down this hotel. Keep up the good work.

August 30, 2009 at 3:34 PM  

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